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Help Us Help Them

With our mission always in mind and commitment to this cause, we need you and the communities support to make this possible.
Every dollar goes a long way to helping us pay for vet bills, expected and unexpected, and community assistance to ensure buns in loving homes can stay in loving homes.

Each bun costs us a minimum of $320 in vet costs alone to get them ready for their new homes, so without help we can only do so much.

We welcome donations of good quality pellets, treats, toys, crates and teddy bears. Our preferred brand is Oxbow or Burgess. Please feel free to contact us should you wish to discuss. 

To make a donation:

Direct credit:
Christchurch Rabbit Rescue
TSB Christchurch


Directly to our Vet account:

At The Vets

Reference: CRR

Particulars: Rabbit Rescue

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